Flim festvial – Hide And Seek Gone Wrong

Hiya there guys Huw here,

Here is my Ako Hiko Flim festvial – (Hide And Seek Gone Wrong) made by Me, Adian, Finlay, Ian and Lock’lynn

We made it using a ipad and our chromebooks for the editing,

I found it really fun, I think you guys will like the bit where the monster chases them,

The trickest part was when we were editing it,

My top tip for anyone making a film is to have everything planned out before filming,

What was your fav movie to watch?

CAtch yOu LatER, Huw

Novel Ponder #1

Hiya there guys Huw here,

If I was an explorer I would probably explore Mt Everest and the place around it because I want to fell like im on top of the world,

Where would you explore and why?

CaTCh yOu LatER, Huw

Novel Ponder #9

Hiya there guys Huw here,

if I could be any animal then I would probably be a Cockroach because there my fav animal and they can survive a nuclear blast

Thats my animal what animal would you wanna be?

CAtch yOu LatER, Huw

Novel Ponder #8

Hiya there guys Huw here,

If I could combine 3 animals I would choose a cockrouch, a worm and a chameleon, I choose them because a cockroach can sursive a nuklear blast and a worm can regrow its lims if it gets cut or sqaushed and a chameleon can camoflage.

Thats my 3 animals and why, what would your 3 animals be?

CAtch yOu LatER, Huw

Novel Ponder #7

Hiya there guys Huw here,

if I could go back in time I would go back into time to my 1st bday because that was my best birthday ever.

If you could back in time where would you go oh sorry I should say when would you go back to?

CAtch yOu LatER, Huw

Novel Ponder #6

Hiyia there guys Huw here,

  1.  If there was a time traveler I would probaly ask them what are the lotto numbers,
  2. Do robots take over the world because I’ve played a video game about it,
  3.  And lucky last is there time travel and is that how your here?

Thats all my questions guys what would your 3 questions be?

CAtCh yOu LatER, Huw

Novel Ponder #5

Hiya there guys Huw here,

If I could go back in time to meet a famous person I would like to meet Michael Jackson and two questions I would ask him is one can you teach me how to sing really well and the second question would be can you teach me how to do the anti-gravity lean move that he did once.

If you could go back in time who would you meet?

CAtch YOu LatER, Huw

Novel Ponder #3

Hiya there guys Huw here,

If I could go back in time to my mum when she was a kid I would probalbly say somthing like this, “Hi I know you dont know me but first you must remeber these numbers for the lotto __________ and please dont make your kid go to school when you have one, oh and please also get your kid into rugby and football hes gonna love it oh and buy him some Ronaldo gear.”

thats what I would say, What would you say?

CAtcH yOu LatER, Huw