Novel Ponder #3

Hiya there guys Huw here,

If I could go back in time to my mum when she was a kid I would probalbly say somthing like this, “Hi I know you dont know me but first you must remeber these numbers for the lotto __________ and please dont make your kid go to school when you have one, oh and please also get your kid into rugby and football hes gonna love it oh and buy him some Ronaldo gear.”

thats what I would say, What would you say?

CAtcH yOu LatER, Huw

4 thoughts on “Novel Ponder #3

  1. Kia ora Hew Malachi here I like your post about if you could tell your mum the lotto numbers but how much money was the lotto like 4 million but if you do not go to school you will have your old fiends like Pablo, Finlay blog you later Malachi

      1. Hiya there Malachi I mean not really if I dont go to school it doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t have any friends because I have lots of other friends outside of school so yea.
        CaTch YOu LatER, Huw

  2. Kia Ora Huw I really liked the way you asnwered the ponder.
    I would say “Look mum it’s serious but you won’t believe me your my mum so please help me and buy lot’s of stuff for me in the future like football boots and a phone.
    why would you want ronaldo gear?

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